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Stay on schedule...
Last update: Saturday, March 01, 2025 @ 12:06:13 AM



Just say no to …


Since I wrote myself a self contract, holding myself accountable, and glancing at the contract from time to time, has helped me to remain focused in doing what is necessary to achieve my goal and keeping me focused in studying for the Security+ certification.

Last update: Sunday, March 02, 2025 @ 03:43:39 PM



The beginning of the month, the end of the first quarter of the year. What have I completed? Not much!. What is that saying, “If I keep doing what I have been doing, I will keep getting what I have been getting.” I have been getting not much.

With that in mind, I decided that I will restart fresh. I will stay on course with an end in mind. Just like going on vacation, I plan to reach my destination, enjoy, and then return. I have been jumping from one thing to the next without completing anything. I have the shiny object syndrome, also known as the squirrel syndrome. I am, right now, a generalist, a jack of all trades, master of none. My salary shows this. I believe that money, which is a number, shows how well I am doing in life. The higher the number, the better I am in life, and the opposite is true. What I mean by how I am doing in life, I mean how valuable I am to the market called employment. Although being broad in knowledge and skills is good in general, not in the work force/job market. A good example would be a doctor. An eyes, throat, and nose doctor is a generalist, although they specialize in general ailments. These type of doctors are great in what they do. But if there something that is beyond their capability in providing a solution to an illness, these doctors usually refers the patient to a specials. This is similar to the Help desk/Service desk in Information Technology (IT). The Service Desk is the first tier of troubleshooting an issue and escalates to the second tier, if necessary. The second tier will escalate to the third tier, if also necessary. The higher the tier the more specialized the knowledge. So with that in mind, I am focusing on on subject to completion.

Before this month is ends, I will have my CompTIA Security+ certificate. I have been kicking the can on this certification, and now I am going acquire this certification. I am dedicated to acquire this certification within two weeks. I know I can do this, if I stay on schedule and focused. I will prove myself right!

I have written a self contract holding myself accountable.

On that note… Time to get studying!

Last update: Saturday, 01, 2025 @ 1:06:31 PM